Usually I write about how Little Book Locker does its thing, or where, or when. THIS. This is WHY. The American Library Association awards were announced this morning. Though IT IS VERY EXCITING THAT OUR FRIEND SARAH BRANNEN won a Sibert Honor award (an award for informational books) we know she didn't illustrate it for the shiny sticker, nor did Melissa Steward write it for that.

Sarah, Melissa, and all of us write for the kids. And Little Book Locker gives away books for the kids. Like these two up there. Or like the cuties down at the bottom of the page. These photos come from one of the pre-schools that we've got a LBL placed in. This is why it's so important, what we do. Exposing kids to books, and turning them into readers. Hopefully the books they bring home build up and the kids have their own library, and who doesn't need a home library?
I love these photos of kids with their books from Little Book Locker. Thanks to everyone who helps us make these smiles happen. Thanks again to Sarah for donating her books. Next step, getting SUMMERTIME SLEEPERS into a cute photo op!
