We've hit our first goal: 500 BOOKS DONATED!
On these cold last days of 2020 our hearts are warmed by the huge donations of books we've received. In a short few weeks, we've gathered well over 500 books!
We've also gotten some leads on places to establish book baskets and book lockers, so keep checking back for updates--we can't wait to get these books into the hands of children!
Thank you to all who have given books already, especially some of our biggest book donators: Lisa Rogers, Brook Gideon, Mary Pierce, Nancy Tupper Ling, Susan Novich, and Warren Ross.
Help us hit our next goal: 1,000 books donated!
Have new or gently used books to donate? Email hegkelly+lbl@gmail.com or kpwixted+lbl@gmail.com
Thank you all so much! -- Heather Kelly, Kristen Wixted, and Jodie Apeseche