It takes a lot of people to run a non-profit, and Little Book Locker is excited to announce we have a new person helping us, Kaliisha Cole. Kaliisha is a writer, college student, Bookstagrammer @kalisbookishrambles, bookseller, and overall awesome person who has agreed to write picture book reviews for this blog. LBL has a lot of books, so we READ a lot of books. So reviews seem to make sense. For the next few months while Kristen is in the trenches figuring out the how, when, where, and why of LBL, Kaliisha will be reviewing some of the children's books we give away. Here she is, in her happy place.

Tbh, there is an ulterior motive to reviewing books. Kristen has friends who write books, and she wants to help the world find out about them. Also, Kristen and her nephew Sam Donovan have a picture book of their own coming out in May (May 3 to be precise) called MISS RITA, MYSTERY READER. There are many excellent picture books coming out in 2022 and we will review some of them and some others here, so stay tuned!