Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I help?
Go to our Join the Movement page and either donate books or donate money for us to purchase more book lockers and books to fill them! Thank you!
Where are you installing Little Book Lockers?
Right now, we are installing them in the New England area except that one in Chicago. For now. We hope to stretch out tentacles out far and wide as time goes on.
Who chooses the books?
We do. We do our research first, we promise. We choose current, high quality books by and about diverse authors. We choose books about important subjects, books with stunning art, books that make children feel empowered, books that foster empathy and inclusion. Sometimes we also choose books that make us laugh really hard. It's a fun job (and by job I mean we get paid by being able to read the books before giving them away).
The Little Book Locker near me needs more books, what do I do?
Click on the link on our Request page. Fill out the survey form. You can even request particular books or books for a particular age range!
The Book Locker near me is damaged. What do I do?
Let us know! Go to the request page and click on Request a Locker!
Have another question, concern, or feedback for Kristen and Heather? Email us!
Little Book Locker Central: